Meet Candace


My love for photography began when a good friend gave me a camera in 2007.  I gained most of my skills as a photographer from well over a decade that I spent in front of the camera, modeling for brands, artists and photographers around the world. The best on the job training! You'd be surprised how much you can learn if you just listen.  So I know what it takes to make a great photo from ALL angles.  I can confidently help guide you into flattering poses and help remove some of the potential stress of being photographed.  

Trust me, I know what it's like! 


My career as a photographer began photographing family portraits.  The innocence and unpredictability of children is what inspired me the most.  They aren't afraid of the camera or filled with self-doubt yet.  They live in the moment and if that one sucks, wait a second and it's back to giggling like nothing else matters. This child-like curiosity and inner knowing that everything is really ok is what I help to remind my clients of. It seems scary, but really getting your picture taken can be a deeply transformational experience and actually pretty fun. I use what I learned from the little ones to help you tap into that authentic pleasure in presence.  Your brand photos should be filled with your essence. My job and my mission is to help co-create images of you in your authentic power and radiance.


:: Things I believe as truth

we all have the inherent power to heal ourselves.

the love of a puppy can save a life.

collaboration makes life in general much easier.

beauty is all around us, treasure the little things.

magic can be found in the simplest of places...